Los Cabos Ecology

Los Cabos is located at the tip of Mexico’s Baja California peninsula, where the rich waters of the Pacific Ocean meet the warm currents of the Sea of Cortez in the Gulf of California. The area includes state parks and federal nature preserves that protect the unique habitat for rare plants and animals. Los Cabos is also a significant ecotourism destination that promotes sustainable tourism practices, farm-to-table dining at organic farms, cultural diversity, and awareness of the environmental impacts to protect endemic species and promote eco-conscious activities. For this, and Los Cabos’ incredible beaches, it has been dubbed the "Jewel of Mexico." 

  • whale and arch

Mexico's Leader in Sustainable Travel

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Los Cabos Ecotourism: Going Green

World-class luxury comforts at well-known beach resorts have become a popular destination draw for celebrities, golfers, honeymooners, scuba divers, and those looking for something extraordinary in their beach vacations. This destination's rigorous commitment to environmental conservation and responsible travel initiatives allows Los Cabos nature-based ecotourism companies to offer authentic experiences of pristine beaches, untouched deserts, and forest-covered mountain ecosystems nearby to tempt the spirit of eco-tourists.

The economic benefits and the positive impact of ecotourism in the area are evident. Considered the northernmost point of the world's tropical zone, Los Cabos has rich biodiversity and provides habitats for 400 migratory species, such as whales, hummingbirds, and monarch butterflies. The tourism board for San Jose del Cabo and Cabo San Lucas offers a variety of sustainable experiences for its visitors to see marine/wildlife through kayak tours, fishing excursions, bird-watching tours, and more. From the beaches of La Paz and close encounters at Cabo Pulmo to sunsets at Land's End and surfing in Todos Santos, Los Cabos is a great destination that offers natural beauty and adventure for anyone interested in the diverse geography and animal life.

Cabo luxury real estate rentals or luxury home purchases offer more than festive entertainment: they offer a chance to immerse yourself in nature just steps from your villa rental or estate. Del Mar homeowners and guests will enjoy beautiful ocean views and can use our concierge services to reserve space and set up transportation for these outdoor activities.

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The Flora & Fauna of Baja California Sur

Big, Green, and Majestic

Los Cabos is home to some fantastic land and sea life. Palm trees are the signature identifier of a tropical paradise, but one of the first things Cabo visitors notice is the unique array of cacti. Pitayah, cholla, and prickly pear are abundant, and some are edible. Additional succulent species that pepper the Cabo desert countryside are the agaves, better known as the base ingredient of mezcal and tequila, the national liquor of Mexico.  

While many herb species thrive in the hot climate, the damiana plant is the most well-known. It has beautiful yellow flowers, but the leaves are regularly made into tea for their ‘medicinal’ effects. A sweet liqueur is also available commercially and is a wonderful margarita enhancement! Try our favorite margarita recipe!

Creatures of the Land

Los Cabos has incredible biological diversity with many reptile and desert-dwelling creatures, including tarantulas, lizards, and 18 rattlesnake species; mammalian carnivores like coyotes, foxes, raccoons, bobcats, mountain lions, and the elusive ringtail. While deer and rabbits are plentiful, bighorn sheep and pronghorn are rarely seen in preserve areas, having barely survived the excessive big-game hunting of the early 20th century. The bird species that frequent the region are a diverse group of niche inhabitants. The microclimates and natural diversity of the peninsula's geography attract many distinct species of coastal birds. Still, the contrasting landscape offers homes to many freshwater, mountain, and desert birds, including several endangered species, most notably the California condor. 

Creatures of the Sea

Los Cabos is part of a large ecosystem that includes the Sea of Cortez—dubbed "the world's aquarium" by famed oceanographer Jacques-Yves Cousteau. Due to the rich biodiversity of captivating marine life, travelers wonder at the beauty and spectacle of this marine paradise. Cabo Pulmo National Park, on the Baja peninsula's east coast, is the heart of marine conservation initiatives in the area. Tour operators offer day trips and excursions to snorkel or dive with marine animals. Historically, people have been drawn to the area for the sport fishing of marlin, dorado, and tuna species. Still, sharks and rays share the water with many species of colorful tropical fish. Manta and mobula rays, California sea lions, the occasional pod of orca, whale sharks, and sea turtles are common in the waters of the Baja California Sur. Five species of endangered sea turtles travel thousands of miles to return to their home beaches to lay eggs. Groupo Tortuguero runs one of the area's largest sea turtle conservation organizations. Their conservation efforts include monitoring turtle populations and spreading environmental conservation information along the peninsula.

Big, Blue, and Majestic

Not to be overshadowed, over twenty whale and dolphin species frequent the waters of the Gulf of California for feeding, mating, and birthing, including the Humpback and Gray whale migrations that entice thousands of visitors to the Pacific coast lagoons and bays of the Baja every year. The excellent weather in the fall and winter months make Los Cabos a prime sustainable travel destination with many opportunities to see and experience the grandeur of the sea, including turtle releases, whale courtship and calving, acrobatic mobula ray migration, as well as the congregation of giant whale sharks feeding. 

Not only does it substantially influence the area's cuisine, but the sea also offers many exciting opportunities to experience its biological diversity firsthand. Diving, snorkeling, and watching excursions, as well as biking and hiking trails and horseback riding for those who prefer to stay dry, allow adventurous souls to experience the ecological beauty of Los Cabos firsthand. 

  • Cardon Cactus

    Most striking is the great cardon cactus (Pachycereus pringlei), one of the largest species on Earth. It can grow up to sixty feet tall and live for hundreds of years. This endemic species to the Baja Peninsula is one of the most distinguishing features of the Los Cabos landscape.

  • Damiana

    Damiana, Turnera diffusa. Traditionally used for its aphrodisiac effects, it is another distinctive plant that grows wild on the cape.

  • Ringtail Cat

    Ringtails, Bassariscus astutus, are nocturnal cat-like mammals related to raccoons. While designated as omnivores, they eat mostly animals rather than plants. Their primary prey includes mice, rats, rabbits, ground squirrels, insects, and other small mammals, which are plentiful in the Los Cabos area. They are quite elusive, so count yourself lucky if you get to see one!

  • Birds

    The nearly 400 species of birds frequent or call Baja California Sur home occupy diverse habitats. The area's geographical diversity and temperature range offer many niche environments and allow many species to live there. Desert, coastal, mountain, and estuary areas are all represented in the Los Cabos landscape.

  • Marlin

    Known as the Marlin Capital of the World, sport fishing enthusiasts converge on Cabo San Lucas seasonally for the annual tournaments. Marlin is the biggest jackpot of them all. This large billfish from the family Istiophoridae put Los Cabos on the map as a top fishing destination—and it's good to eat!

  • Sea Turtles

    Green, Hawksbill, Loggerhead, Leatherback, and Olive Ridley sea turtles call Los Cabos home. At Villas Del Mar, we annually host nesting turtles and dedicate staff to surround the nests with cages for turtle protection until the baby turtles hatch and make it to the sea safely. The Palmilla Beach area is a vital turtle spawning ground. 

  • Humpback Whales

    Every winter, humpback whales of the North Pacific migrate to the tropical waters of Los Cabos to mate and give birth. From late November through April, you can see these acrobatic giants with their newborn calves as they prepare for the long trip back to their summer feeding grounds in Alaska. 

  • Whale Sharks

    Just north of Los Cabos in the capital city of La Paz, Whale Sharks frequent the bay from October through May. The biggest fish in the sea, whale sharks, grow to lengths of nearly 40 feet (12 meters) but are filter feeders eating tiny plankton, like mammalian whales. Often, you can see these behemoths feeding vertically, inhaling water into their gaping mouths! 

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Becoming Environmentally Friendly Is Refreshing

As Los Cabos real estate increases in value and the economic development of the peninsula accelerates, the host communities of Cabo San Lucas and San Jose del Cabo have begun to address sustainability and cultural awareness by implementing stringent environmental codes. New Cabo real estate developments have been designed to incorporate rigorous water conservation efforts, renewable energy sources, and minimal impact practices on ecological resources. Los Cabos was even named Mexico's first Blue Flag Beach destination by the Foundation for Environmental Education. This designation was earned for its adherence to strict environmental awareness, educational, safety-related, and access-related criteria that must be met and continually maintained. The result is invitingly clean beaches, like Playa Palmilla, perfect for exploring and making lasting memories. Los Cabos is surrounded by five protected areas that protect over 200 plant and animal species, including the symbolic Cardon cactus.  

Del Mar Development has set the standard while being at the forefront of this environmental revolution, establishing a community site with a positive impact on diversity, sustainability development, and ecological consciousness of natural resources. Del Mar Los Cabos real estate continues to be a popular destination for all concerned with these issues. 

While many large resorts and housing developments now share the prime ocean-front real estate of the cape, no one is taking more care to preserve the ecological health and integrity of the natural environment and uphold the standards of the community like Del Mar Development. The sustainable practices and decreased ecological footprint of the tourism industry are also a big part of the economic benefit to the local community. People worldwide flock to Los Cabos to see its beautiful beaches, mountains, coral reefs, and marine life. Protecting this area and maintaining a pollution-free environment is essential because it is the basis of tourism and the lifeblood for local businesses to allow travelers and residents to connect with the diverse plant and animal kingdoms surrounding the cape for future generations. 

Del Mar Development, the signature builders of Villas Del Mar, Espiritu Del Mar, and currently in development, Palmilla Del Mar, not only implement the best practices for architectural design, construction, and finishes, Del Mar takes its role as an environmental steward and community pillar very seriously. They go above and beyond to adhere to sustainable practices and avoid any negative impact on the community: 

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The fabulous weather affords Los Cabos the best sustainable natural resource – the sun. All new homes are designed to include solar renewable energy and older homes are being retrofitted to integrate solar power into the architecture and preserve the views of the terraced homes above. 

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One of the most precious commodities of desert living is water. By revisiting the original tropical landscaping and implementing a new plant palette, including enhanced dessert and Mediterranean flora, the landscape team has reduced water usage by nearly 70% while still preserving the feeling of lushness. By becoming more water-wise, Del Mar can reduce noise pollution from weekly mowing and avoid using harsh herbicides and fertilizers. 

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The development team continues its sustainable landscaping practices by removing and relocating plant life to other areas during construction and renovation. Many will return to their original locations as part of the tropical desert landscaping. 

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The homes themselves are constructed with the environment playing an integral role. Every property is surveyed for the path of the sun and cross ventilation. Cooling is facilitated by zoned central air systems that can be run as needed. The sombrero-styled roof is specifically designed to allow large pocket patio doors to be open and shaded so the house does not get overheated in the direct sun. Solid concrete block walls retain coolness as well. 

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Electricity is the most expensive utility in Baja California Sur. In addition to solar installation using the sun as a sustainable material in the development of Del Mar, homes are equipped with LED lighting, Lutron light-dimming systems, and energy-wise appliances to reduce their carbon footprint further.  

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The picturesque pools are also environmentally friendly. Many are saltwater, which negates the use of harmful chlorine while being easy on skin, hair, and fabrics. All of them use variable-speed pumps to decrease energy usage. 

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As many products as possible are sourced locally, reducing high transportation and environmental costs. 

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